
Friday 23 April 2010

DRAFT minutes of meeting held 1st April 2010


EKCC Minutes - Thursday 1 April 2010

Present: Shelagh Cameron, Stuart Irvine, Andrea Hopkins, Ronnie Brownie, Lachie Paterson, Elizabeth McMilIan, Tom Adams, Councillor Donald Kelly

Apologies: None

Convenor Shelagh Cameron welcomed everyone present.

Minutes of Last Meeting:
Correction to wording, a small donation was made by Cohn Burgess, should read a small donation is going to be made by Cohn Burgess. Proposed by Elizabeth McMillan seconded by Ronnie Brownie.

Matters Arising:
Dog foul bins: one wheehie bin in place. Hopefully the other will arrive in due course, Councillor Kelly too follow this up. A sign has been placed on the bin PAL (Poo and Lifter Bin).
• Convenor Shelagh Cameron to follow up signs for passing places.
Notice Board: Tom Adams received several leaflets on design and cost £250 to £300, depending on what is required. Angela is still happy to have notice board put up at shop. Treasurer Stuart Irvine to speak to Eric Norman to see how much it would cost to have one made.
Treasurers Report: Accounts presented but not audited yet.
Windfarm Projects: Several projects were discussed and it was agreed to go ahead with path maintenance, solar lights, notice boards - 2 for Carradale (notice board and information board) for harbour, also notice board for Saddell.
Applications for wind farm trust grants have to be in by 16 April. Windtarm trust grants will be considered on Thursday 6 May after the usual community council meeting.
Parking problems: Police advised residents in Tomi Mor That They were not allowed to park outside their houses but had to use the parking facilities available. A discussion followed and it was brought up that unless residents parked their cars properly in the car parks there was not enough room for everyone. It was suggested that all car parks be white lined, Convenor Shelagh Cameron to phone Roads department. Councillor Donald Kelly to take forward as well.
Planning: Erection of substation - Crossaig Forest, no objections. Bruce Cottage - Portree, amendment to plans. A discussion followed as to whether the community council should get involved with planning issues. It was agreed that the community council should only get involved in pre-planning and only after, if there has been a breach of plans submitted.
Road campaign: Notes and photographs of all potholes have been taken, more people have signed the petition. Councillor Donald Kelly suggested that if not already done so all six Councillors should be asked to sign the petition.
• No further information on upgrading road, for further information log onto the community council blog:

• Development management of community council meetings - meeting tonight (1 April) Cairnbaan
• NHS Highland (mental health) - leaflet• Constitution - signed and returned
• Well park - letter - Stuart Irvine dealing with this
• Offshore wind farm - Machrihanish - scoping document
• Community Justice Authority - leaflet

Any Other Competent Business:
Fish farm up and running
Pontoons - Lakeland have some available, will Argyll and Bute Council help with cost of installing, permission needed from Argyll and Bute Council in first instance. Before all this happens it was suggested an engineer along with local fishermen should be consulted to work out feasibility of were to put pontoons.

Convenor Shelagh Cameron thanked everyone for attending.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 6TH May 2010.

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